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Most people who are appointed executors of wills, trusts and estates don’t understand what a complex process they have signed up for; one where if you do things wrong or out of order, you can be held legally liable. In this post, we outline the 9 steps involved in being an Executor of an estate.
Not everyone diagnosed with Alzheimer’s is “old.” In fact 200,000 Americans under age of 65 have it. Alzheimer’s patients and their families need to deal with estate planning issues early, while the person can make informed decisions. This post includes the first 3 of 6 vital estate planning steps Alzheimer’s patients and their families need to take as soon as possible after diagnosis.
Avoiding probate has become a cottage industry, with lawyers touting the benefits of “living” trusts to people who would rather have a root canal than have anything to do with a probate court. For several reasons, avoiding Connecticut probate might not be a good idea.
You may have heard horror stories about “probate.” Many of them are simply not true. In this post, I discuss the myths about probate why they don’t apply to in the vast majority of estates.