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Jeffrey L. Crown

Jeffrey Lee Crown
21 New Britain Avenue, Suite 208 Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067

Born, New Britain, Connecticut, September 10, 1944. Admitted to Bars of Connecticut, United States Tax Court, Federal District and Circuit Courts. Practice limited to Family Wealth and Business Planning, Estate and Trust Law, Estate Settlement and Estate and Trust Litigation.

New York University, Graduate Study in Taxation. University of Connecticut, J.D., 1973 University of Hartford, B.A., 1967.

Former Associate Editor of "Probate and Property" for Probate and Trust Matters; Committees on Anatomical Donations (Chairman), Life Insurance (Vice-Chairman), Estate and Gift Tax Changes (1976-1978); American Bar Association Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law.

Member of the Executive Committee of the Section of Estates and Probate. Formerly member of the Committee on the Unauthorized Practice of Law and the Executive Committee of the Section of Taxation; Connecticut Bar Association.

University of Miami Estate Planning Institute
University of Notre Dame Estate Planning Institute
Southern Methodist University Symposium on Estate Planning
Duke University Estate Planning Institute
Texas State Bar Advanced Probate and Estate Planning Course
Oklahoma State Tax Institute
Southern New Mexico Estate Planning Institute
Connecticut Bar Association Programs:
            "When Family Law and Trusts and Estates Intersect," 2012
            Annual Tax Seminar
            "Planning the Lawyer's Estate"
            "Probate Litigation"
            "Revocable Trusts”
Colby College Summer Tax Institute
ALI-ABA Courses of Study:
            "Representing the Retiring or Dying Client"
            "Pre- and Post-Mortem Estate Planning"
University of Connecticut --Connecticut Bar Association Courses on:
            "Advanced Estate Planning and Administration"
            "Federal Estate, Gift and Generation Skipping Tax"
Georgetown University Estate Planning Seminar
Connecticut Society of CPAs:
            "Estate Planning Workshop"
            "Federal Tax Forum"
            "CPA's Role in Wills"
            "Tax Planning for Physicians and Dentists"
            "Asset Protection in Plain English"
New England Trust Conference
New Mexico Tax Institute
Virginia Bar Advanced Estate Planning Seminar.
American Institute of CPAs National Estate Planning Forum
Various Estate Planning Councils

Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel
Former member-Tax Management--Estates, Gifts and Trusts Advisory Board
Former member of CCH Financial and Estate Planning Advisory Board

"The Best Lawyers in America"
"Who's Who in American Law"

"Some Shortcomings of Short Health Care Directives," Connecticut Bar Association Estates and Probate Newsletter, December, 2010.

”Some Stories of Successful Succession – and Some Not,” Duke University Estate Planning Institute 2004

“Mickey Rooney Meets Liz Taylor – Planning for the Second Marriage and Beyond” – Southern New Mexico Estate Planning Institute 2003

"Prophylaxis for Probate Practitioners: Malpractice Policies and Malpractice Prevention," University of Miami Twenty-Sixth Annual Institute on Estate Planning (1992)

"!Battle Stations! Evasive, Defensive and Attack Maneuvers for Will Contests," University of Miami Twenty-Third Annual Institute on Estate Planning (1989)

"Tax Planning and Drafting for Close Order of Deaths," University of Notre Dame Sixth "Annual Institute of Estate Planning (1981)

"Last Requests -- The Right to Die and Anatomical Gifts," University of Notre Dame Fifth Annual Institute on Estate Planning (1980)

"Emotional Disability -- Issues and Answers," Southern Methodist University Third Annual Estate Planning Symposium (1980)

"Thwarting the Will Contest -- Some Psychological Aspects of Will Drafting and Execution," The Estates, Gifts, and Trusts Journal, January - February, 1980

"Planning for Emotionally Disabled Beneficiaries," 119 Trusts & Estates 78 (July, 1980)

"The Emotionally Disabled Trustee," University of Miami Thirteenth Annual Institute on Estate Planning (1979)

"Naked Death Benefits -- An Estate Planning Opportunity?" University of Notre Dame Fourth Annual Institute on Estate Planning. (1979)

"Free Lunch? -- Non-Interest Loans, Leasebacks and Net Gifts," Southern Methodist University Second Annual Estate Planning Symposium (1979)

"Income Tax Planning for the Terminally Ill Taxpayer," The Review of Taxation of Individuals, Summer, 1979

"Planning for Incapacity," University of Notre Dame Third Annual Institute on Estate Planning (1978)

"Lifetime Gifts in Estate Planning," in J.K. Lasser's Estate Tax Techniques, Matthew Bender & Co., New York

"Eleventh Hour Income Tax Planning," Taxation for Accountants, November, 1978

"Divorce, Remarriage, and the Marital Deduction," The Estates, Gifts, and Trusts Journal, September-October, 1978. (Reprinted: The Monthly Digest of Tax Articles, May, 1979)

"How to Take Steps to Guard Against a Client's Incompetence," 4 Estate Planning 420 (November, 1977)

"Drafting Marital Deduction Formula Clauses," The Estates, Gifts, and Trusts Journal, July - August, 1977

"Senior Citizens and the Tax Reform Act of 1976," in Law of the Elderly, Practicing Law Institute, 1977

"How to Use Estate Trusts -- a Pretermitted Child in Estate Planning," 116 Trusts & Estates 87 (February, 1977). Reprinted: The Monthly Digest of Tax Articles, August, 1977)

"The Durable Power of Attorney -- Planning for Incapacity," Prentice-Hall Successful Estate Planning Ideas and Methods

"Estate Planning Notes" column in The Connecticut Law Tribune