Our unique psychological approach.
All lawyers’ estate planning questionnaires ask about family and assets. At Trustlawyer, LLC, we delve deeper. For example, we ask about children’s money management ability and clients’ relationships with in laws and We will provide you with the tools to examine and think through your unique situation.
Do you want to make sure that assets you leave to your children are protected from claims of creditors or spouses in case of divorce? Do you want to provide for your companion animals?
Being a “counselor” is much more than simply giving tax advice. We welcome the opportunity to work with you.
We speak your language.
We explain even the most complex transactions in plain English. We do not speak or write “lawyer-ese.” You will be able to read and understand your documents.
No-surprises billing.
We prefer to work on a “job” basis, rather than by the hour. You will know exactly what our fee is and when it’s payable.