Error message
Deprecated function : The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in menu_set_active_trail() (line 2396 of /home/trustlawyer/public_html/includes/ ).
Contact Us
TRUSTLAWYER LLC Jeffrey L. Crown 21 New Britain Avenue, Suite 208 Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067
P: (860) 257-4330 F: (860) 257-4388
From Hartford
Take Route 91 South to Exit 23.
At the end of the ramp, take a right onto West Street. Follow to the end of the road.
Take a right onto Route 3 (heading North). Go to the 3rd traffic light.
Take a left onto New Britain Avenue (CVS is on the corner).
Turn right into the second driveway. Go straight to the back parking lot.
You will see a sign with the number 21. Go inside and take elevator (or stairs) to the 2nd floor.
From New Haven
Take Route 91 North to Exit 23.
At the end of the ramp, take a left onto West Street. Follow to the end of the road.
Take a right onto Route 3 (heading North). Go to the 3rd traffic light.
Take a left onto New Britain Avenue (CVS is on the corner).
Turn right into the second driveway. Go straight to the back parking lot.
You will see a sign with the number 21. Go inside and take elevator (or stairs) to the 2nd floor.