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power of attorney

6 Vital Estate Planning Tips for People Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (Part II)

This is the second of 2 posts on estate planning issues Alzheimer’s patients and their families need to address as possible after a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. In his post I discuss the merits of a Trust versus a Power of Attorney, the benefits of transferring assets to the other spouse, and what to do if you’re concerned the Will may be challenged.

6 Vital Estate Planning Tips for People Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (Part I)

Not everyone diagnosed with Alzheimer’s is “old.” In fact 200,000 Americans under age of 65 have it. Alzheimer’s patients and their families need to deal with estate planning issues early, while the person can make informed decisions. This post includes the first 3 of 6 vital estate planning steps Alzheimer’s patients and their families need to take as soon as possible after diagnosis.